Tax Preparation Out-of-State

Personalized service to address your tax needs.

Filing taxes in more than one state sounds intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’ve earned income in more than one state, or live in one and work in another, you may need to file more than one state tax return.

Nonresident state tax returns. Working in multiple states. Moved. Working with Pullen Accounting & Tax Prep, we can navigate through the various requirements that you might be subjected to. 

If a self-employed taxpayer works in multiple states, there is no effect on their federal income tax obligations. However, such a taxpayer may have to file tax returns and pay state income taxes in multiple states. As a result, things can get complicated fast with the more states in which you do business, and you may need to enlist help from a tax professional to make sure you do everything correctly. 

What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin.

— Mark Twain